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Gal G. Air law and space law - coincidencies and controversies // Доклады II семинара юристов социалистических стран по программе "Интеркосмос". - Прага: Изд-во ИГиП Чехосл. АН, 1982. - С. 185-193 Gal G.: Air law and space law - coincidencies and controversies
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Рецензия на книгу: Taitslin A. "Controversies in Natural Law from Zeno to Grotius. Two competing ideas in the history of Natural Law: law as human reason versus law as God's command. Saarbrucken: DMV, 2011. 231 p. → - Василевская Э.Г.,
Горов С. Космическое право: проблемы и перспективы. Gorove S. Studies in space law: its challenges and prospects. - N.Y.: Sijthoff-Leyden, 1977. - 9, 220 p. → - Жуков Г.П.,
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